Parents-School Activities

K2,3 New School Year Parents’ Meeting

K2、3 Parents Meeting Content

Parents-School Activities

Parents Workshop: Parent-Child Shared Reading


Parents-School Activities

Lego Stem Parent-Child Workshop

Parents participate in In Lego Stem Parent-Child Workshop to learn about how to enhance children’s Stem development with Legos.

Parents-School Activities

Thanks Giving Parent-Child Activity “Grateful for having you”

Grateful for having you! We learn about the importance of cherish our food and make donation to the food bank on Thanks Giving Day.

Parents-School Activities

Parent English Class

Pastor Kwan, Churches Representative, Hong Kong Island & Island District, Lutheran Church, teaches basic to advanced English to help the parents improve their English and share their children’s learning experiences. Meetings are held regularly at Eternal Life Lutheran Church. This is also an opportunity for parents to learn about the Christian faith, discuss different educational topics, share experiences, and provide mutual support.

Parents-School Activities

The Emmanuel Fellowship

The fellowship is led by Mrs. Summer Kwan of the Hong Kong Island and Island District, Lutheran Church. The aim to let parents have some personal time in their busy live to meet other peers in the group, learn and share together on different aspects of personal growth and parent-child relationships.